St Thomas of Acon


Charity Donations

We have donated £300 to READ EASY EALING towards providing Learning Materials to 2 readers in support of further helping the local community of Ealing.




We have donated £500 to THINK MALAWI towards giving a repeated support to this a worthwhile charity.





We have donated £500 to Ehlers-Danlos Support UK – A genetic disease which cannot (yet) be cured but requires various levels of support for sufferers.





We have raised £600 through one of our Charity Weekends in Lake Como for Parkinson’s UK

Charity REGISTERED No: 258197.



“Dear St Thomas of Acon Lodge 5233,

We’d like to say a huge thank you for raising an absolutely amazing £600.00 through choosing us as one of your chosen charities of the year and hosting your family social event.

Please pass on our thanks to everyone involved. We rely on the support of people like you to dream up fab fundraising events and smash those sponsorship targets! In fact, our work completely depends on donations like these, so you’re helping us continue our important work finding a cure and improving life for everyone with Parkinson’s.

Every hour two people in the UK are told they have Parkinson’s – and, because we’re here, no one has to face it alone. We bring people with Parkinson’s, and their carers and families together via our website, network of local groups and free, confidential helpline. Specialist nurses, supporters and staff provide information and training on every aspect of the condition.

We’d love to keep in touch about our upcoming fundraising opportunities and catch up on how you’re supporting us. So please check in every now and again to tell us what you’re up to. Thanks again for your superb support. Together, we can find a cure and improve life for everyone affected by Parkinson’s.
Regional fundraiser – North West London “

Date of Letter: 23/12/2019


Our Brother Almoner has throughout the few many years sent Christmas cheques to the Widows as an internal donation for supporting the families of the Brethren of the lodge who have passed away.

Thriving in looking after the families of members.

St Thomas of Acon Lodge is a
PATRON LODGE of the MMC London Fire Brigade Appeal

St Thomas of Acon Lodge has also achieved the ‘Patron Lodge of The MMC London Fire brigade Appeal’ through cumulative donations exceeding £5,000.00 over 2018-2019.


We have donated £60 to PMKC Friends (Watford) towards supporting maintaining our Annual support by standing order.



“on behalf of the association of friends of prince Michael of kent Court, I would like to thank the Worshipful master and the Brethren of St. Thomas of acon lodge for becoming a Supporting Lodge and for the payment of your first year’s subscription.

Membership and donations from Lodges, Chapters and individuals go towards providing comfort and entertainment to the residents of Prince Michael of kent Court, te RMBI care home in Watford, in the form of a range of social, leisure and entertainment activities and events for the residents and their families, as well as mini-facials, leg massages and chiropody for the residents.

In addition, funds received help towards identifying and contributing to therapy equipment and other items for the benefit of residents, these being over and above what is provided by the RMBI.

Members of the association of friends also pay an important role in providing friendship and comfort to the Home’s residents who have minimal or no contact with relatives. We also assist residents wishing to attend Masonic meetings.

Without the support from Lodges, chapters and individuals the Friends would not be able to provide the little extras that the MBI does not provide.
Yours Sincerely and Fraternally – The Membership Secretary. “

Date of Letter: 10/06/2018


The below propositions have been put forward towards additional donations and have been supported by the Brethren:

• A Sum of £50 be placed in the Lodge Relief Chest on behalf of the Worshipful master’s chosen charity.
• A Sum of £250 to be donated to the Lifelites Christmas appeal


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